Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Are you a KPOP Fan or KPOP Addict?

I’ve read a statement from Eat Your Kimchi, well Simon and Martina saying that they are KPOP fans but they will still say if the songs the band they like are not good. Basically, this is them saying that yes they love KPOP and their band (Martina likes TOP and Bigbang) but they will not go all the way praising them even if they release a song that’s crappy.

Yes, there are KPOP fans that will love their biases whatever happens and even if they release shitty songs, they will defend them crazily- and I will differentiate them by referring to them addicts.

How would you know if you are a KPOP addict, or addicted to your bias group?

Number 1. You memorize the lyrics of their songs. It doesn’t matter if you are not Korean and you don’t know their language. You just sing it so many times, look for the Romanization and sing along! (I do this hahaha so yeah I’ve memorized lots of SS501 songs and some of Bigbang’s)

Number 2. You follow all the fan club’s Twitter and Facebook account and look for your bias group member’s account. So you look into Twitter and Facebook, type in the band’s name and add anything with their name on it. Sometimes, you apply as administrator just so you could become more updated. Adding the member’s accounts is also a must as you like looking at their Twitpics. You message them ‘saranghae’ and’hwaiting’ almost everyday in the hopes that they will reply to you, and for lucky few, when they reply, you slowly die (keke).

Number 3. You Google “band’s name variety show list” or any other word with the same goal – to find out the variety shows where you can watch them. For non-Korean speakers you put in “eng sub” at the end, of course what’s the use of watching them if you can’t understand right? Then after that, you watch all those links and ROFL. You make sure your headset is turned on even if you don’t understand a thing they are saying and you are just relying on the subtitle because you just want to hear your bias’ voice.

Number 4. You download photos and apps on your phone. Like recently, VIPs in the Philippines must have KAKAO Talk app because it’s the boys who are the endorser of the apps. And of course, because they said they will bring TOP here! Your wallpaper is the bias group’s photo or your bias member and you can’t help but smile everytime you turn on your phone. Awww… Love!

Number 5. You now get interested in learning Korean. You look for schools offering Korean language courses. If you can’t afford it, then online tutorials are something you are probably looking for. Of course you want to make sure that you at least understand the basics before your bias group goes to your country for a high-five event or fan-meeting right? (I am studying through, they are great!) If you’re here in the Philippines you probably enrolled or are planning to enroll in Korean Cultural Center’s language class! All for the love!

You also have learned about KPOP terminologies like 'fan chant', 'high five' 'selca' and 'antis' which you probably didn't know when you were still a fan of Miley Cyrus.

Number 6. You get affected by the antis. When you hear some people say that their song suck, you immediately defend them! If you see negative comments on a forum, you get upset and you rant back. Earlier, I got upset when I found Michelle Phan’s photo of Bigbang without my precious Daesung in it. She must have cut it or something but like the commenters in that post, I was angry too. Hahaha. How can it be Bigbang without Daesung? LOL.

I hope I have not offended anyone by calling them addicts.LOL. I for one am a self-confessed addict and I think I need a rehab from all this Daesung-Bigbang-SS501-KHJ addiction! Uhm, no I don’t think I want a rehab though.

How about you are you ‘just’ a KPOP fan or would you consider yourself an addict?

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